Ms. S. Muhaidly » Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules

Maintaining an environment conducive to learning for every child is an important part of the school experience.  I believe that every child has the right to be in a safe environment that encourages learning.
For me, that means:

Everyone has the right to a safe place to work
Everyone has the right to a quiet place to work
Everyone has the right to be treated with respect
Everyone has the right to learn to be responsible

Your child and you are able to see how their behavior goals are being reached by a behavior chart that is kept in the classroom.  You are notified of your child's behavior on the weekly progress reports.

Blue- Excellent day!

Green- Warning

Yellow- Misses recess

Red- Misses recess and a note is sent home

Orange- Dismissed to another classroom or to the office

I strongly encourage you to talk to your child daily about his/her behavior.  If it is blue, praise your child for a job well done!  If it is another color, please have your child explain to you what happened and what he/she might have done differently.