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Northam school provides several program options for all students. 

English Only students are given instruction only in English. 

English Language Students

1. Receive instruction in English. Through a Structured English Immersion Program (SEI) beginning, early intermediate and intermediate English learners are provided with the following strategies:
  • Daily English Language Development class 
  • Specially Designated Academic Instruction in English to support language needs. 
  • May use primary language support if needed. 
2. Mainstream after reasonable fluency receive instruction in English. These are students that have reached reasonable English proficiency. This program is designed to augment and refine English speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills for students at a Early Advanced, or Advanced CELDT level. 

English Language Development instruction is explicit, systematic oral language and literacy development to increase content vocabulary that is provided by an authorized, trained teacher. Teachers use Specially Designed Academic Instruction (SDAIE) in English strategies in all content areas that are taught at the student's language ability level.